Healing of Memories workshops
Everyone has a story to tell and every story needs to be heard, acknowledged, and respected. This is the first step to personal healing as well as healing of interpersonal relationships. By exploring and acknowledging the emotional wounds carried by nations, communities and individuals, the workshop enables people from diverse backgrounds to confront sources of alienation
Those infected and affected by HIV/Aids have often experienced deep trauma, including rejection by those nearest to them and prejudice from the wider community. Therefore they need to deal with psychological and emotional feelings on their capacity to rebuild their lives.
Migrants/ Refugees
Many people who live in exile carry painful memories and experiences from their earlier life, the emotional burden of which are exacerbated by experiences of rejection, prejudice and loss of identity in their new country.
Women and care-givers
This workshop is for mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters and other care-givers. While much is expected of them, they usually receive little support and often themselves victims of discrimination or abuse.
Prisoners rarely have access to types of restoratives justice Programmes that enable them to take responsibility for their behaviour and acknowledge the pain and suffering they have caused.
Interfaith groups
Churches and mosques in particular have often been at the sharp end of efforts to bring about healing and reconciliation between divided communities.
The workshop allows youth to deal with their painful feelings in order to become tomorrow’s conciliators and agents of positive change.
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If you are interested to attend a workshop please contact
Western Cape
Loret Loumouamou
021 683 6231/35
KwaZulu Natal
Bridget Phillips
031 301 0419