Delene Mark is born in South Africa (Durban) and after completing secondary school moved to Cape Town, where she pursued her studies in Music, Organisation and Management and has a Masters degree in Social Policy and management at the University of Cape Town.
Delene Mark is a lay Canon in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa since 2006. She has served on the board of IHOM since 2007 and was elected Chairperson in 2008. Delene has also been a part of the Board of the IHOM NA and more recently a part of the IHOM global structure. Delene is the CEO of HOPE Africa, the social development outreach programme of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and has represented the Anglican Church globally as a trustee of the Anglican Alliance for Relief, Development and Advocacy , has been a member of the International Anglican Peace and Justice network, The Anglican Trade and Poverty task team. Currently Delene is a steering committee meeting for the Community of the Cross of Nails in Coventry as well as the Council for Anglican Provinces in Africa.
Delene is mum to Iqsaan (11) and in her spare time enjoys walks on the beach, reading and playing scrabble.