Reunion with women of Delft – Building & Healing a Community
Reunion with women of Delft – Building & Healing a Community
International programme
The International programme is led by the Founder of IHOM, FR. Michael Lapsley. The programme provide ongoing support and training to IHOM partners across the globe. Fr. Michael participate in conferences locally and internationally as a thought leader and grounded practitioner on issues of emotional and spiritual healing, moral injury, […]
Africa Programme
IHOM with our implementing partners in Namibia (Franciscan Healing of Memories), Angola (OMUNGA Association), Zimababwe (Aqua Healing & International Order of St Luke), Zambia Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi), Malawi (Lydia Foundation Evangelical Lutheran Development Service), Burundi (Trauma Healing And Reconciliation Services), DRC (UNA-DRC), Ghana (Action by Christians for the […]
Community Healing
The community healing process of the Institute for the Healing of Memories is aimed to contribute to the transformation of communities by creating a space for community members to speak about their pain and trauma as individuals and members of their communities and our country. It makes the linkage of […]
Healing the Wounds of History
Our work with military veterans and communities affected by apartheid crime is part of your commitment to healing the wounds of our past and making a contribution towards reconciliation in the country. In bringing together military veterans from different liberation formations and military veterans who participated in the apartheid.