A Healing of Memories workshop is a liberating experience, and for many people the first time they are given the opportunity to tell their stories of pain, suffering and oppression.  Feelings of anger and bitterness begin to be overcome and are replaced with a willingness to consider forgiveness and reconciliation. This holds true not only for South Africans, but also for people in other countries where experiences of conflict and oppression continue to impact on their lives.
Our ability to continue offering our life-affirming and life-altering workshops depends heavily on the support of our generous donors.  We immensely value any gift, large or small.  It is particularly helpful for us to receive regular donations (even of small amounts) as these help us to plan and budget more effectively for the future.  You may also like to consider making a bequest to the Institute for Healing of Memories as you reflect on your last wishes.

We are extremely fortunate to now have our own offices in Cape Town. However, we are still in need of significant funds to renovate, extend and properly furnish the premises. Your donation will give more people the opportunity to experience the healing and hope made possible by attendance at a Healing of Memories workshop.
We are deeply grateful for your support and generosity.
With all good wishes
Fr Michael Lapsley SSM
For details on how to donate, please review the information below or contact Ntombomzi Magqazolo.
Email: ntombomzi@healingofmemories.co.za
Tel: +27 21 683 6235

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