Community Healing

The community healing process of the Institute for the Healing of Memories is aimed to contribute to the transformation of communities by creating a space for community members to speak about their pain and trauma as individuals and members of their communities and our country. It makes the linkage of what has happened in our past, to what is happening in the present and how this impact our future. It, therefore, strives to be an agent of hope for individuals and communities, empowering them with the possibility of creating a better world for themselves and their communities. We do this by

• Creating platforms where residents can exchange ideas, initiatives and plans in order to build solidarity – across social group, class, ideology, gender, generations and other potential conflict lines.• Supporting the building of healing and reconciliation infrastructures that contributes to creating a peaceful society.
• Ways of understanding each other’s spirituality: environment: and the interconnectedness of the human family.
• the cementing of social cohesion between different social groups, classes, ideologies, genders and generations
• building strong and trusting partnerships with individuals, organizations and institutions at various levels in society from local level to the national, regional, continental and global level.
• Providing psyco-education to communities to empower them to engage their healing journeys


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