Restoring Humanity

Restoring Humanity is a youth development programme that brings together young people from diverse communities. They come together to learn from each other and to share experiences. This takes various formats: workshops, youth platforms, storytelling circles, visits to historical and/or present day sites of dehumanization and youth exchanges. The aim of these activities is to develop their consciousness and understanding about socio, political, economic and spiritual issues that affects them, their communities and the world. It also provides the space for them to develop leadership skills and creates opportunities for them to contribute to building a better world.

These learning journeys are carefully developed and supported by relevant resource materials that draw from the experiences of the participants and making the linkage between the past and present in a meaningful way. The role and impact of discrimination on individual identity and self-esteem, and to the communal broader South Africa is a recurring theme. Participants are able to find and express in their own voice their personal story, make the connection to the stories of their communities and place it in the broader context of the country. This makes it possible for them to put forward solutions to problems facing themselves and their communities that can contribute to building a more humane and non-violent, non-racial society and respect for the human rights of all.

A special project “Boys to Men”, was developed to focus on how we can contribute to the development and healing of boys as they transition to manhood. The focus of this project is to support young men to unlearn behavior and attitudes that contribute to gender based violence and gender inequality.


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